7ya Kozhukhovskaya str., no. 20, entr. 1, office 28, Moscow, 115193, Russia

+7 (495) 232 14 34

PARTNERSSTI are proud of the established exclusive partnerships with several leading global specialist companies licensing their products, technologies and methodologies in the area of personnel assessment and development. This page is dedicated to concise introductions of our partner providers featured in alphabetical order.
Our strategic partner — CESIM OY of Finland - the world’s leading experts in the field of computer business simulations. Established in 1996 the company has its headquarters in Helsinki, Finland and presence on all continents.
CESIM® products are carefully adapted to the local market conditions and are available in many languages among which are Russian and English. The business simulations are based on the principle of Action Learning. It is a perfect business environment simulator for management teams of different levels, as well as an effective instrument to improve teamwork and interaction within a management team.
CESIM® offers a wide range of business management computer simulations .
Visit our Partner’s web site: https://www.cesim.com/

Swiss consulting group Infoteam Sales Process Consulting AG are STI's reliable partner in the area of sales process transformation. In Russia, STI exclusively deliver Infoteam's flagship product - Winning Complex Sales™ methodology.
This methodology has approved itself with excellence in the international market among the businesses that often enter into large-scale tenders: with high stakes, large volumes, complex negotiations. The basic concept is to convert the organisation's existing sales process into its competitive advantage. Handing over the Winning Complex Sales™ methodology we help our customers to develop and fine-tune the Large Sales segment of their business.
Visit our Partner’s web site: http://www.infoteam-consulting.com

Among STI’s strategic partners are the TTI Success Insights of USA – one of the world’s leading experts in the field of personnel assessment. Under the leadership of Bill J. Bonstetter the company started its way to the top 30 years ago and over this time has become an undisputed leader in development of on-line products designed to assess behaviours and motivators supported by continuous active researches and validations.
TTI Success Insights® single out five key factors that predefine employee performance and are measurable by means of diagnostics techniques and methodologies derived and developed from scientific research:
Behaviour style
Motivators & Values
Acumen Capacity Index
Core competencies
- Emotional Intellect (EQ)
Visit our Partner’s web site: http://www.ttisuccessinsights.ru

An acknowledged world autority in the area of executive assessment in a business environment is Hogan Assessment Systems. A a global company, HOGAN operates through a newtwork of partnerships in 50 countries.
The success of the company is based on decades of scientific research. HOGAN technologies first appeared in Russia in year 2008, all instruments have been made available in Russian language and carefully adapted to Russian business culture.
HOGAN's assessment expertise covers leadership, executive potential, destructors, motivators & values, emotional intellegence (EQ), team work, corporate culture.
Visit our Partner’s web site: http://www.hoganassessments.com/